The ‘Attraction Switches’ Used By Master Manifestors To Remove Blocks To Abundance And Command The Universe To Quickly and Easily Fulfil Their Every Desire (No Matter How Outrageous It May Seem) - GUARANTEED!”
I’ve used these ‘attraction switches’ to clear what was blocking me manifesting a new home, a new business… and a new income…
If you’ve tried everything and nothing works, I GUARANTEE my new course will clear your capacity to attract money… reveal hidden opportunities… and create a flood of wealth and financial prosperity rushing to YOUR door (faster and easier) than ANY other program.
FROM: Donna Lee - Law of attract coach/author
Creator of The Attraction Switch
Dear Friend,
If you want to be free from all money worries for the rest of your life, I’m going to reveal to you my amazing new ‘attraction switches’ I discovered that has the power to automatically transform you into a manifestation magnet.
I don’t care if you’re surviving on credit cards right now.
I don’t care if your bankrupt and clawing your way back out.
I don’t care if you’ve purchased every wealth creation program on the market… and… you’re still struggling.
And it doesn’t matter if you have only a basic level education.
OR if you never manifested anything, or only small things.
You can do this.
These brand new ‘attraction switches’ will show you how to create a life of extraordinary financial abundance …
In Only Minutes Per Day you will discover how to…
Make a desire instantly materialize in your life.
Easily attract more abundance, wealth and riches.
Seduce the universe to pave a golden pathway for you.
Effortlessly overcome all obstacles in your way.
I know it sounds unbelievable - but bear with me and I’ll prove it to you.
Now you can learn how to make amazing shifts in your clarity, inner peace, self-confidence and most importantly the ability to manifest the kind of life you truly deserve.
You can use these attraction switches to:
Manifest a beautiful home.
Manifest a generous bank account.
Manifest a luxury car.
Manifest travelling the world in style.
Manifest donating substantial monies to charities that warm your heart.
And it can happen faster than you ever thought possible.
"The book is amazing! Matching the spiritual world with the physical, while making use of the basic science is excellent. It’s worth reading by everyone, as it will guide you in realizing a fulfilled life. I recommend it for anyone working towards achieving a dream in life. Donna did a fantastic job."
- Andy J
So you might be wondering...
Who am I? And how can I help you achieve your “impossible dreams”?
My name is Donna, I’m an author, law of attraction expert, coach and mentor, and today I’m living my ideal life.
I live in a beautiful house.
Money is not a problem anymore.
I spend my days doing what I love.
I’m surrounded by a loving partner and friends.
It wasn’t always like this though,
Not long ago…
I was struggling to make ends meet.
It was a gut wrenching struggle to keep the mortgage paid, food on the table… and the creditors at bay every month.
Maybe you can relate to growing debt… lack of income… and no opportunities in your life?
That was my life.
Even though you try to stay positive…
I had no savings, no security, and no 401k for the future.
The constant fear I had for my future with no money would weigh me down like an anchor.
It would wake me up at night with tight knot in my stomach… if I got to sleep at all.
You’re always worried about the next thing that might go wrong like the car acting up, the heating or an expense or medical bill coming out of the blue.
I felt drained and defeated much of the time.
And where I was living didn’t help.
The old run down house where I used to live.
So like you may be doing right now…
I tried to create a different life for myself…
I read about the law of attraction years ago and knew in my heart it worked.
It just didn’t seem to work that well for me.
I’d attend manifestation seminars… read law of manifesting books… create vision boards… set goals… work on my beliefs…
And nothing much happened.
Sound familiar?
Every now and again I’d manifest something small that I was focussing on-but nothing BIG…Nothing that important for me.
I never gave up though…
I kept looking…
And eventually the universe eventually delivered that luck to me I needed.
I believe the universe is always looking out for us and…
Life is always giving you exactly what you need every minute…
I know that maybe hard to believe… especially if you’re going through a hard time right now - but it’s true.
Everything - even the hard times - are a lesson the universe is sending to you.
That universal lesson for me came in the form of a wonderful woman called Linda.
Linda was an old friend.
She was very successful… owning multiple different businesses in a number of niches from real estate to publishing.
Now, you would think someone in Linda’s position would be working 70 plus hours a week, but she wasn’t.
In fact, she took multiple vacations a year, and was barely in the office much of the time.
She loved to holiday in exotic locations, eat out, and travel.
I always admired her, and was even a little jealous of her… and we really never talked that much.
One day, however, while I was reading yet another book on manifestation on a break… She spoke to me.
"I read that one" she said… Pointing to the manifestation book on my desk.
I had never really looked at her up close before.
At first glance, there didn’t seem to be anything different about this woman from a physical perspective…
She was about average height, average weight, with highlights in her hair.
Yet for some reason I couldn’t take my eyes off her. There was something magnetic about her up close.
We got talking more.
She asked about my family, and what my interests were outside work; and then she listened thoughtfully to my replies and nodded.
I liked her.
There was something easy going and fascinating about her at the same time.
And little did I know… she would soon reveal…
The manifestation secret I’d been waiting for…
We decided to have coffee together that afternoon in a smart little Café I know in the south Bronx.
As the coffee was poured I began to grill her on her life and success.
She was really open about her life.
She had a blessed life.
A successful marriage to a beautiful soul partner.
A number of fantastic houses in different parts of the states.
Over $8 million in the bank.
And a number of successful businesses.
And more free time than anyone I know.
How did you manifest this kind of life?
After a short pause… She began to speak.
“I too started off like you are now. Kind of broke, struggling with money, struggling to pay bills and make ends meet.
As luck would have it though, I ended up being surrounded by wealthy people in a new job I took downtown many years ago."
"I was poor, they were rich -and that sucked…but gradually I began to notice something interesting the more I got to know them."
Linda noticed that…
Wealth attraction is nothing to do with:
Hard work.
Business ideas.
Or any of the above.
People who work the hardest often have the least...
Linda continued…
"Wealthy people use their minds in different ways to people who struggle with money.
It’s like they’re using their
full mind’s capacity to manifest while many people are only using a fraction of it.
Wealth and success flows easily to these wealthy people."
Linda Said...
They have no blocks to abundance.
Sure they can have blocks in other areas of their lives.
But when it comes to money… there is nothing between them and what they desire.
And it completely changes the way the law of attraction works for them.
…even though many of them are not even aware of the law of attraction.
"Over the years, I developed a series of exercises to free my mind from the blocks to abundance" Linda said.
And the results, as you can see - speak for themselves.
The simplest way to see how amazing this is… is to just try these exercises out for yourself.
I call them ‘ attraction switches’.
…As they completely alter the way the law of attraction can work for you.
They remove the blocks in your mind to making what you want manifest.
These exercises ‘switch’ the law of attraction from ‘not working’ - to ‘working’ for most people.
… simply by removing the blocks we have to abundance in most of our minds.
Linda gave me a number of simple little mind exercises and teachings to do and asked me to call her in a month and report on how my manifestation efforts were working.
About a month later, I met Linda again and...
Never before in my life had I experienced such a dramatic transformation
Here’s what happened…
At first I used the ‘
Attraction Switch’ to clear some emotional, and mental baggage and I started to attract some small things.
Things like parking spaces and small money finds was how it started.Most of the time - I just put it down to coincidence.
Before long though… things started to accelerate.
I soon found…
A DREAM JOB…I had always dreamt of making enough money with my web design company to quit my day job.
No matter how hard I tried though - it just never came about.
I just never seemed to be able to gather enough clients. The money never seemed to add up.
Well after 2 weeks doing Linda’s exercises, all that changed… rapidly!
Without any extra effort… more clients started to come in.
It was a trickle at first… and then a torrent of new clients started to flood in.
Within a month I was up and running in my new company… Making more money than ever before in my day job.
I was a little nervous speaking with Linda again… but she greeted me a knowing smile.
"You see" she said. "Now you are ready to move on.
The Attraction Switches are working for you."
I now had…
A DREAM INCOMEI had always hoped for a certain income level, and it was a modest enough figure.
Enough to live on.
The exercises Linda had shown got me thinking bigger.
Much bigger.
And for once in my life, my dreams started to come true.
The income I was making started to multiply.
Soon I was saving regularly.
I started putting aside a sizeable amount of cash every month.
… and was finally able to take more holidays and explore more of the world.
Where I like to holiday in Hawaii.
And that led to…
The view from my bedroom window in Missouri.
After 2 months of doing "The Attraction Switches" mind exercises Linda gave me… I moved from New York to my dream home in Missouri!
Here’s a picture of it below…
My house is now a 2 story house that sits on 10 acres of land, 3 miles from a small town I live outside of.
I could never dream of living in a house like this before.
It did occur to me these results could just be some happy coincidence.
But I knew deep down these exercises had a dramatic effect on my life.
So much so…
I decided to share what I discovered with others… here’s what happened…
I was still not sure these exercises would work on others.
However my friends were puzzled.
They saw the new house, the new car, the new income.
And they started asking questions.
So I decided to share my experience with others.
And the results were nothing short of astounding:
"What an amazingly inspiring book Attraction Switch is!
I have read ‘tons’ of books in the past but only a few opened my eyes to life changing attitudes the way
Attraction Switch did. Although, as I read some of the teachings contained in the book, it was like a déjà
vu because I was already doing some of them albeit subconsciously, but the ideas are now well
entrenched within me and going forward, I can now put them into practice with more resoluteness and
dedication while also expecting a clear and definite result.
The most powerful deduction I made from Attraction Switch was the fact that all dreams do come true provided there was a calculated effort and realistic time-frame attached to it. “….The universe works for what we passionately dream about and ensures it comes to pass at the fullness of time……” Emphasis mine.
Attraction Switch is going straight to the exclusive list of classic books I will never get tired of reading
and I would recommend it to friends and family."
- Olivia G
So you might be wondering right now...
How does this wealth attraction method work?
It’s simple really…
Normally when people try to manifest something in their lives…
There is a wall of beliefs and emotions and trauma and past experience stopping it happening.
It’s like there’s a brick wall stopping you manifesting what you want…
Linda showed me a series of exercises for clearing these blocks so I could harness the true power of the subconscious mind to attract what I wanted in life.
She called these exercises for removing blocks to abundance - ‘The Attraction Switches’.
… a series of teachings and exercises for harnessing the true power of the subconscious mind and getting it on your side for a change to manifest what you want.
Your subconscious mind is the seat of awesome levels of power and influence to create the life you want.
Your real powerhouse of abundance comes down to your subconscious mind.
It’s in there where you store all your beliefs, emotions, values and imagination.
The Attraction Switches exercises and teachings help you to clear out any negative beliefs, or emotions stopping what you want manifesting.
When you discover the Law Of Attraction switches for clearing blocks to abundance you will discover…
The real reason your goals, affirmations, and visions boards may of failed you before…
These kind of manifestation tools are great… however they do not take into account the blocks to abundance we all experience in our subconscious minds.
We all have these blocks in one form or another to abundance.
When you clear them with the teachings and exercises inside The Attraction Switch… you will experience a rush of abundance to your door you never thought possible.
You will now be utilizing the full power of the law of attraction in your life.
The truth is…
… and The Attraction Switches remove those blocks.
“The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves."
- Bob Proctor”
“The clearer you are, the faster you manifest.”
- Joe Vitale
“The clearer you are, the faster you manifest.”
- Joe Vitale
The biographers of Richard Branson and Steve Jobs talked about being in a state of ‘flow’.